2003 World Electronics Forum
Australia, September 1-3, 2003
The following Documents are available from the WEF 2003
- The final approved 9th WEF Communique .
- The Minutes of the 9th WEF meeting.
The 9th WEF presentations:
- WEF Overview and Outline (Matt Flanigan, TIA) .
- WEF Intro (Chris Janssen and Brendan McManus) .
- CIAJ Presentation.
- Environment Presentation (Kazuo, Kaneko, and Jeita) .
- Future Shape Panel (Gabriel Coron, FIEEC) .
- Intellectual Property Presentation.
- WEF Speech - DOHA Development Agenda (Paul Strickland) .
- Reed Electronics Group Research Steve Keeping) .
- Reed Electronics Group Research Steve Keeping) .
- WEF - Towards the 10th Anniversary .
- WEF - GPC Presentation (Chris Janssen).
- WEF - NEC Presentation (Brendan McManus).